JavaScript: The Hard Parts


This course dives deep into JavaScript, covering key topics to strengthen your understanding and problem-solving skills. You’ll explore fundamental concepts such as synchronous execution, functions, the call stack, and how JavaScript manages function calls. The course also covers advanced topics like higher-order functions, callbacks, and closures, helping you write more efficient and reusable code. You’ll learn how JavaScript handles asynchronous programming with callbacks, Promises, and the event loop, and how to avoid pitfalls like callback hell using async/await.

The course also introduces object-oriented programming (OOP), focusing on prototypes, the this keyword, and creating objects with factory functions and classes. You’ll gain hands-on experience with practical examples and exercises throughout, including working with Web APIs, managing closures, and leveraging Promises for asynchronous tasks.

By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of JavaScript’s inner workings and be equipped to write scalable and efficient code for real-world applications.

